Value of the App – Hoopy is a utility application. This app helps the users to get connected to authorize automotive servicing centers, which are nearest to their locations. This app helps to organize the servicing and maintenance of the vehicles. It is now easy to book for vehicle servicing and maintenance just with a click. The assistance is available in Bangalore as it is developed for Bangalore based client.
Platform – The app was developed for Windows and Android OS.
Unique Features – Dedicated features for the centers providing the services and for the customer or the users.
Challenges – The three challenges are firstly to integrate the Google Map to track the nearest located service centers. Secondly, collective list or organized database of all service centers. Thirdly, maintain the authentic rates and reviews by the users.
Solution – The Google Map is integrated with the app to show the nearest center available within the radius and uniform pricing to choose within the available options.
We are committed to our customers’ success from start to finish. Our input helps make their solutions.
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