Challenges of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic through the eyes of a student

Challenges of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Challenges of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic through the eyes of a student

Coronavirus has brought the world to a halt. All types of industries are closed, projects have been deferred and workplaces are closed. Although countries are at diverse points in their COVID-19 infection numbers, it has resulted in a closedown of schools/universities across the world, and children are away from the classrooms due to lockdowns. As a result, the education system has transformed significantly, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. This method is presently the best alternative to keep the education process running without affecting the safety of students and teachers.

Challenges of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic through the eyes of a student:

Though Online Learning is very beneficial in keeping the flow of constant education process, it also has many challenges for students.

  • The initial challenge for a student would be adjusting to the online e-learning process. Students would not be skillful enough to use all the features and practices of e-learning platforms or mobile apps. Many students would find the home environment less interesting and more demanding than a regular classroom setting. They would have the company of other peer students who would help them to understand the subjects and make the environment less stressful. Online classes eliminate the aids of having friends to mingle with and being fixed at a single place. This may make them feel that the workload of online learning is more when compared to regular classrooms. As it is a very new concept for many students, they would find it difficult to grasp all the lessons in everyday learning.
  • Although the e-learning environment keeps the students glued to the education process, during this time of school-closures, the severity of problems could be of students who are studying in schools that are receives less-funding and are not so updated in their processes. Such schools would not have modern facilities and well-informed teachers to conduct online classes. Also, students who do not have devices and lack internet access at their homes are unable to attend the online classes. Unlike some places where governments have provided devices to such students, these kinds of measures are very less across the globe. Even internet service providers are making an effort to reach all the students by giving free data, they are unable to support certain online video calling on advanced e-learning platforms.
  • Online classes require substantially more attention and focus to understand the subjects. Many students may find it tough to stay concentrated on online learnings for a longer time. There would be distractions from the availability of internet browsing options, phone messages, watching any other contents, or even sitting comfortably on the couch/bed with snacks.
  • Many students and teachers have also found that these technologies are unable to provide the same quality of video and audio transmissions for longer periods. There would also be disturbances from outside noises like papers, vehicles, and even pets which makes it tough to manage so many students connected to a single place and experience the same level of reach.
  • Since the effects of coronavirus may last for much longer than anticipations, and lockdowns and school closures may continue for longer. As older people and children are more susceptible to the virus, schools are advised to remain shut until the situation is under control. Hence, students who are facing tough situations without access to the internet and non-availability of devices would be having a hard time maintaining the education process.
  • Due to all these challenges, it would be very difficult for educational institutions to keep the process running successfully. It calls for action from governments to make added efforts to aid the students/teachers and develop a sense of confidence among them. They could enable a smooth network connection for such activities and also take the experience of schools that are effectively running such methods of e-learning.

Is learning online as effective?

With the right implementation and proper access to technology, e-learning has proven that it can be beneficial in different ways.

  • Studies have shown that online learning materials are more likely to be retained by students when compared to the regular classroom setting. Even teachers find it easier to explain all the concepts than regular classroom settings as students get more time to understand the concepts once the classes are done for the day.
  • But the effectiveness of online learning is different for various age groups. Students of younger age require a parent to accompany them during the classes as they tend to get easily distracted away from the screens. Even the grown-ups have the chance of distractions with availability and access to the internet and other phone apps. Hence care should be taken to make the sessions interesting along with the use of all advanced tools and platforms. There should be a collaborative effort to make e-learning an interesting process for a longer time.
  • Many types of research have shown that students significantly use their senses to understand new concepts. Hence making the learning interactive and effective with sensible use of tools is very important for student engagement. This will enhance the motivation towards e-learning for longer periods especially with students of young age. Regular tests are important to keep the learning curve of students at the top level.

Bottom line:

The effects of Coronavirus have a big impact on all the sectors and it calls for adjusting to new norms. The education sector is also experiencing shutdowns and adopting new resolutions like e-learning with advanced apps and platforms. But the success of these programs depends on all the effective and collaborative measures to be taken by educational institutions and governments. This will ensure whether online classes would be a good substitute for a regular classroom environment. If you are looking to build an e-learning app that would be valuable for students/teachers and also gain a significant profit, associate with a top mobile app development company in DubaiBrill Mindz.

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