Tips to Develop a Bug-free Mobile App
The great usability of the mobile app has enhanced its popularity like never before. But the apps must be smooth, easily navigable, and secure for winning the competitive market. To keep the users stuck to the app, it is key to guarantee its seamless functionality. Bugs are the main cause of poor functioning and several other app failures. While you can never ensure a cent percent bug-free app, implementing the best strategies will help in negating it close to zero.
A Bug-free Mobile App: How to Develop One?
App Code must be Simple:
Regardless of the type of app you develop, it should aim at solving the user problems rather than creating more ones. Hence, create a code that is simple and less complex by adapting the suitable programming language standards and always using tools that will never complicate the user experience or put security at risk.
App Code-review:
Coding errors can give unpredictable issues in the later stages which can be avoided greatly by code reviews. One development group can review their code with another bunch of developers to enhance app quality. You can ensure an impactful outcome by executing code reviews as per the standards of the platform. Regardless of the peer-to-peer review or with a group of developers, the collective review will enhance the efficiency of the code. You can easily review the hidden issues leading to their rectifications in real-time.
App security aspects:
With the advent of technology, there are enhanced attempts from malicious individuals or groups to compromise the security of apps. Any kind of app cannot find success if it is deceptive to cyber threats. Hence it is important to take care of security aspects right from the starting point of development. Generally, security becomes vulnerable due to manual developer mistakes, inefficient testing at every module, and hacking issues.
Testing has to be planned in a phase-wise manner right from the initial stages of development. Try to employ all advanced security elements that suit the type of platform you are using. Modern methods like one-factor authentication and data encryptions make code access almost impossible for unauthorized personnel. An expert mobile app developer can suggest the best ways to implement security aspects in the code. Moreover, apps have to ensure the safety of customer data in all the modules of the app.
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The testing approach has to be implemented right from the initial stages of the development process. The process starts with alpha testing which consists of several QA scenarios done across various models of the product. This approach will usually be helpful to catch the prominent bugs that can be visible with a straightforward method. But it will be highly tougher to replicate all kinds of user scenarios during the process.
In such situations, you will have to take the benefit of beta testing. The initial level of beta tests can be carried out by taking the internal teams who haven’t worked on the app along with the limited end users. Beta testing is beneficial since it will give a different set of users to verify the product at a fast pace. Not only will it help in authenticating the app but also gives you the confidence to move on.
Automating the tests will give you exclusive advantages during repetitive updates to the code. You will get several advanced automated test services that will give you an accurate measure of code performance. But it is key to find the best one that is suitable for your code. Automation tests will simulate the complete user actions to deliver the test results within a faster time. After every code update, you can run these automated tests to ensure the smooth functioning of the operations.
This will help you to save time in the long run while giving you that sense of confidence at every stage. Moreover, you will also have to perform compatibility testing on multiple devices of multiple types, screen sizes, etc in the respective operating systems. There are chances that the user may be in the advanced on older versions of the operating system making you emulate these situations every time using automated testing.
Google Analytics:
Using Google Analytics will give exclusive benefits in your journey. Smart use of google analytics will help in giving useful data with performance analysis. By studying this information, you can know the actual user behaviour to act accordingly in your next updates. Moreover, with crucial information from Google analytics on app crashes, regular active users, and others, you can move with confidence.
Error Reports:
You will not reach ultimate success if you are unable to find the actual issues faced by the user. In this way, you can fix the bugs effectively to give the best possible user experience. Some of the users may report the bugs while others may not respond. Hence, if you want to retain them then you have to analyse the automated error reports by making use of advanced techniques.
Employ expert app development company:
Technology has advanced to an unimaginable extent concerning mobile app development. There are multiple types of tools available in the market that will help in creating a smooth functioning app. But you have to get the services of an expert mobile app development company that is expert in using these tools. It will not only be helping in meeting the deadlines but also make it easier to find the bugs. You can keep the existing users stuck with the app while also making them recommend your product to their known ones.
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To wrap up:
Mobile app development is a highly profitable business but with the competitive nature, the success of each app is directly proportional to the quality of the app. Hence associate with an expert mobile app development company like Brillmindz technologies to get a bug-free app. The team has expert testers who ensure smooth results that fulfill the needs of target users to give maximum profits for their clients.