How Much Does it Cost to Developing a Ride-Sharing App Like Lyft?

Cost to Developing a Ride-Sharing App Like Lyft

How Much Does it Cost to Developing a Ride-Sharing App Like Lyft?

The evolution of smartphones and relative mobile apps have changed the routine lives of people across the globe. Ride-sharing apps are one such invention that is leading the charts with customers relying on them for their numerous benefits. It offers optimal convenience and ease of access along with a reduction of travel costs and the pressure of driving in traffic. Being a business owner, If you are looking for the cost of Developing a Ride-Sharing App Like Lyft, then keep looking below for detailed information.

About ride-sharing app Lyft:

Lyft is a ride-sharing company majorly in the USA and some states of Canada. Lyft focuses on offering hassle-free care and scooter rides with optimal comfort to the users. The app consists of an easy-to-use interface with a map on the home screen that shows the current user location. The user should drag this pin to the location of the pick-up point on the map to accurately mark the location. After the location is picked, there will be a display of the “Add destination” bar.

Lyft is unique from other ride-sharing apps, with extra functionality that saves time for both passenger and driver. This feature will show the best route to the driver for negating any kind of traffic and obstacles that may impact the total riding time. It is also beneficial for the customer as they can find the nearest rides which can be accessed within walking distance along with the option of adding a stop through the destination. One more unique point from Uber is that it will give the ETA before booking the ride but Lyft gives the ETA only after booking.

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The working style of a ride-sharing app like Lyft:

Ride offering by drivers: The drivers will share details about the ride including the starting point, destination, and their availability for passenger pick up.

Ride booking by passengers: Passengers will look for the best riding options by taking a look at car availability, driver ratings, price, and timings followed by booking.

Matching the rides: Once a booking is done, drivers have the option of either accepting or rejecting the ride. If accepted, then both passengers and drivers can converse through in-app communications.

Payment: There are multiple types of payment options where the total cost is divided equally through all the shared passengers.

Rating: Drivers and passengers have to rate the rides and give any feedback if they have. These ratings are highly important for influencing the reputation of both parties inside the mobile app.

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How do ride-sharing apps like Lyft make money?

Commissions: Ride-sharing apps like Lyft gain profits mainly by charging some monetary commissions for every ride shared through the app.

Promotional partnerships: Marketing ads run by other business brands on the app will largely benefit the customers. It could be free trips on a promotional car which includes payment from that particular brand to Lyft.

Referrals: With the enhancement of referrals by rider or driver will enhance the number of riders. Finally, this enhances the profit share of Lyft with each ride

Features to be included in the app:

Customer app:

The majority of business owners go for MVP features in the initial version of the app and later move on to extra features. These MVP features include logging in, individual profile, bookings, ride tracking with GPS, estimation of the final price, notifications, multiple payments option, split-the-final-bill, in-app messaging, ratings, feedback, and reference builder. The creation of an account must be simple and secure. Along with the individual information, drivers must add details about the car which can be viewed by passengers. When a car is booked, users must be able to verify the details of all passengers to guarantee a safe ride. They should be able to express their concerns, queries, and feedback through constant support service.

Driver app:

Basic features include easy log-in, editing of personal profile, accepting or rejecting drive requests, navigation, notifications, total earnings section, billing, in-app communication, ratings, feedback, reference. Similar to passengers, drivers also should have the option to enter queries about the app along with any suggestions or complaints.

Admin app:

Admin will have access to a dashboard that consists of numerous metrics related to the business. This includes details of customers, revenue earned for a specific period, messages, administration of multiple app development departments (drivers, payments, passengers, ratings, navigation support, revenues, database, etc). Before giving access, drivers must give genuine and verified data about their age, health, driver’s license, experience, and criminal background verification.

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Cost to Develop an App Like Lyft:

If you are thinking – “How much does an App like Lyft cost”, then you have to analyze some key aspects before making the final decision. The answer is that there is no estimated price clearly stated. This is due to the factor that many attributes affect the final cost. Cost to Develop an App like Lyft depends on the below crucial factors:

  • Technical elements: Development of the app will be usually done via JavaScript, Python, or Java language. All technical aspects will impact the overall cost of development
  • Features and functionalities: Final cost will be heavily varying depending on the choice of features and functionalities. With the increase in complexity, it will be directly proportional to the final costs.
  • Choice of the platform: You may develop the app on iOS, Android, or Windows depending on the target customers. Every platform will have different development costs.
  • Location of app development company: The choice of app development company is a huge contributor to final app development charges.


Final thoughts:

To develop an efficient ridesharing app like Lyft, business owners must consider the pain pint of passengers and drivers collectively. If you are looking to give a unique offering to attract customers to your platform, then associate with a reliable mobile app development company in Dubai, like Brillmindz. The firm has been in the industry for more than a decade and possess the smartness to develop user-friendly apps to yield maximum returns.


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